High-Risk Merchant Account In UK

“Offshore and trade”

Overseas business is something refreshing for offline traders. These businesses can provide so many benefits to an offshore trader like – multiple currencies, countless customers, many business projects, global merchant services, and many more. But to serve overseas these traders need a website and a payment processor to support online payment. The issue is that these businesses deal in a foreign land and building trust with foreign customers isn’t so easy. If you’re a new offshore merchant you need to introduce your product in a way it shows its worth and can win your customer’s trust. But the thing is that you can’t supply a big stock on foreign land for sales without confirmation from the other side. Such deals can overrun you. Suppose, you made a deal with a supplier on that foreign land, and customers revert that product within days for a small defect or a default caused by one of your suppliers, that damaged will cause you a chargeback. We can’t predict how many chargebacks can happen in that deal. Or the situation can differ, suppose a customer ordered a product of yours and didn’t have what he saw so he’ll definitely claim a chargeback. Some customers can complain about a bad shopping experience and there are many causes related to payment processing. High-risk businesses suffer so many losses in lack of resources, but a payment services provider can help them out of this problem.

Pandemic created crisis for many offline businesses, many businesses shut down and many sunk in deep down debt. While merchants losing their hopes and employment were on the edge of a breaking point, the online market became the hope for all of those merchants who still working hard to stay still in this market. Banks lost a big amount of funds because all of the industries shut down all of a sudden and there was no way to earn a living for anyone. All quarantined and kept in their homes. In this time of crisis, many offshore businesses were as ongoing as they were in the past because they were already running on internet platforms. But, it became a reason for banks to refuse them because when you run an online business many risks are attracted towards your customer’s safety. And that is the concern of banks, they refuse to provide such businesses with a decent merchant account and merchant services.  Eskaypay” knows that these merchants especially need such merchant services that are important for providing these “high-risk payment services” through their website to their customers. That’s why “Eskaypay” provide you a “High-risk payment gateway” named “International Payment Gateway”.

International Payment Gateway

Before you get a merchant account you should be ready to give your offshore customers a hassle-free offshore shopping experience. For that, you need a “High-risk payment gateway” and “Eskaypay” is ready to provide you a fast and secure payment processor “International Payment Gateway”. This “International Payment Gateway” provides fast and secure transactions. This payment gateway quickly integrates with your website to provide you a fast payment operation. Customers around the world always work so hard to get what they dreamt of and when they shop online they need faster check-in and check-out. That is possible with this “Payment Gateway”, this payment process allows the merchant to accept all payments in the currency of the merchant's choice and allows the customers to pay in their own currency. These features increase the chance of sales because if any customer sees the product price in his own currency he’ll definitely take that into consideration. This “International Payment Gateway” makes credit card processing faster and secure and completes the process in less than a day. A 24-hour live transaction reporting system will keep you up-to-date with your transaction history. 

High-risk merchant account providers in the UK

The UK’s citizens are way more advanced than the whole world, their kids start working at age of 18 and step into so many business projects. This can be the reason they fail so many times, but because of that, they learn how to manage their work. As much work they do they need the same thing while shopping online, they need comfort. “Eskaypay” provides you with a “high-risk merchant account”. This “high-risk merchant account” provides the benefit of dealing with multiple currencies. With this “high-risk merchant account” you can accept credit card payments, as we all know that the most used medium of payment mode is a credit card. So, any business that accepts credit card payments is most trending right now. This account is accessible globally only just with your unique M.I.D and password. You can have a clean track record saved since they were started so you don’t need to worry about an extra activity to manage them. This account is best for creating the best global business relationships. 

3d Protection

This account is protected by a 3D secure payment gateway; SSL DSS creates an additional layer of protection on your website to protect your data from harmful viruses, credit card fraudsters, online scammers, cyber malware, and many more. This system lets you check your customers’. if there is any suspicious activity find out and immediate action will be taken on it.


“Eskaypay” supports all onshore and offshore businesses with the best payment solutions. Contact us and get yourself a high-risk merchant account and if you want to know more about our services you can look at our other blogs. Keep growing with “Eskaypay” and achieve your goals.

Tags: Gaming Merchant AccountOnline Credit Card ProcessingInternational Merchant Account, Adult Toys Merchant Account, 2d Payment Gateway


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